The Centre for Environmental Economics and Environmental Management (CEEM) studies the integration of environment protection and natural resources in economic analysis and management practices.

CEEM wants to provide sound economic analyses to improve our understanding of environmental issues. We believe that the appropriate use of economic instruments and market forces can foster the greening of business and the needed transition to a low-impact and sustainable society.

CEEM opts for a multidimensional approach. In our economic analysis of environmental issues, we integrate technological assessments, law & economics, institutional dynamics as well as economics of innovation.

The founder and Honorary Chairman of CEEM is Prof. dr. Marc De Clercq, former Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Ghent.





Nieuw boek
Johan Albrecht -
Sam Hamels - Lennert Thomas

'Energie trilemma - Een verkenning van het Belgische elektriciteitslandschap in 2030'

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SKRIBIS ISNB 978 90 736 2665 2








Johan Albrecht
'Het Gewicht van Vlees (Pelckmans Pro)'

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